i'm scared of being seen


i want to share myself more


i keep procrastinating


why not me?


i crave more support


i'm tired of hiding


i'm ready to share my magic


i'm scared of being seen 〰️ i want to share myself more 〰️ i keep procrastinating 〰️ why not me? 〰️ i crave more support 〰️ i'm tired of hiding 〰️ i'm ready to share my magic 〰️

One-on-one coaching for

Visionary VOICES

You have always felt called to share your voice.

You have a powerful message that you know could truly serve humanity. You’ve already received glimpses of the power of your voice, and you dream of your message reaching everyone it’s meant for.

Friends and people you meet irl say things like, “I can’t stop thinking about that thing you said last time we were together” or “You really are wise beyond your years…”

You know social media is important to scale your message, find your dream audience and clients, and achieve your fullest expression in this lifetime.

The problem is, each time you try to record a video, story, live, or podcast — you feel blocked by fear, perfectionism, comparison, and overwhelm. You feel too “cringe” and fear the opinions of high school lurkers, judging you for evolving into your highest self.

You are tired of allowing them to hold power over you. You know there is a whole other level of expression within you, just waiting to be unlocked. You want to heal your throat chakra and bravely share your voice and soul-aligned message with the world.

You dream of serving the collective through your voice: speaking on stages, having a successful podcast, and being known for the powerful message you are here to share.

To usher in a new paradigm of being, we need Visionary VOICES to boldly and lovingly share their message. We need YOU to share your gifts with the world. We are all one human body, and our boldest collective voice can no longer be blocked by our conditioning.

Work with me to become your bravest voice and fullest expression — and craft a social media plan that feels aligned to you in order to reach the ears and hearts dreaming of receiving and resonating with a voice like YOURS.

Speaking is an ancient gift and technology that we were born to share with each other. Powerful voices UPLEVEL collective consciousness — and changing consciousness is how we change the world. The collective needs each of us to be in our fullest power. And for those of us who are here to speak new worlds into Being, we can’t hold ourselves back any longer.

Let’s work together to recover your boldest voice.

You deserve the visibility you crave and fear most.

Over the past 3 years, I’ve developed the tools, mindsets, and practices to alchemize the fear of being seen, judged, and cancelled into HONORING my calling and boldly sharing my voice online. A combined audience of 400,000 divine beings have joined me on this journey.

My methodology combines spirituality AND strategy. Spiritually, I would LOVE to be a safe space for you to go deeper: let’s talk about the universe, service, purpose, your shadow, and your calling.

Strategically, I can support you on tactical steps to help you establish, commit or recommit to your practice, as well as online growth strategy AND digital boundaries for those of you calling in online visibility — reducing the noise of comparison so your best ideas can shine through, because your attention is so, so precious.

I refuse to let fear stop me from what I now know I am here to do: Speak. Share. Connect. Serve and help raise the collective consciousness. What will you refuse to let fear stop you from doing?

Book a 90 minute one-time coaching call to discuss your creative desires and current blocks, and gain more clarity on how to get unstuck on ONE to TWO main blocks so that you can more deeply honor your calling. Commit to taking ONE BRAVE Action in the next week, and receive a follow up email from me one week later to check in on whether you followed through, for accountability and support.

These coaching sessions are a sacred space and require deep presence and love from both of us. If you are ready to be supported by a loving, nurturing, passionate, spiritually rooted AND action-oriented, process-driven, strategy-minded coach, I invite you to take the next step above. 🦋🌼✨

Book your Visionary VOICE Coaching call


My name is Ayanda and I am a Visionary VOICE.

Four years ago, I would not have even described myself as creative. I was working a corporate job my values did not align to, surrounded by many leaders I did not hope to become, and telling myself that one day it would all make sense.

I started a TikTok during that time, and committed to stick through the cringe and embarrassment I felt.

The idea of people I knew laughing at me haunted me. But on some level — even when my videos were getting 14 views — I saw a vision for myself that I held true to, and I’m so grateful to my younger self for doing so.

Everything changed. I met two of my best, deepest, soul friends. I began my spiritual awakening, especially through my Saturn Return. I started seeing myself as deeply creative (we all are) and reconnecting with my inner child and inner artist.

I stopped drinking, refusing to drink away the parts of me that felt shameful or unacceptable. I started dancing more (in private) as I realized I had a childhood wound and limiting belief that I couldn’t dance (and that this meant that I shouldn’t!).

Most importantly, I found and embodied my purpose: to use my voice to serve collective consciousness — despite my fears, which persist today. To honor the oral tradition and voice gifted to me by my ancestors.

I started a podcast (now my favorite soul-aligned work). And my audience lovingly reflected back to me the parts of my soul I had not yet claimed as precious and wonderful.

Through the process of sharing my ideas on the internet, which we are often taught to view as somehow shallow or suspect, I deeply and spiritually transformed. And I would love to help you do the same.

Each time I speak, I channel the power and wisdom of my ancestors. The oral tradition lives in my blood, and I am honored to be able to share this gift with the world. I feel confident that my voice is my medium of art and service.

I have already supported clients on achieving the breakthroughs and shifts required to overcome their fear of posting and honor their message by sharing themselves online.

It is a deeply vulnerable act — and I would love to support you through it.

Now, I am able to connect the dots between spirituality, business, philosophy, and creativity to help my clients live and embody their fullest, most abundant expression.

I care deeply about PLEASURE, EASE, JOY, as well as PURPOSE, ALIGNED ACTION, and developing a STRATEGY that aligns to your long-term goals.

I invest deep love, care, and attention into my clients, and I am looking to coach people who are a mutual, full body, FUCK YES. This work requires commitment, stepping into discomfort, and facing a purpose that is bigger than any of our individual fears or resistance towards it.

I firmly believe that collective change requires each of us to own our gifts and their expression — and that coaching is a way of being supported towards that collective desire.

I also firmly believe in magic, and seek it in everyday life. Let’s find and make more of it, together.

What if you could fully unlock the soul-deep message trying to speak through you?

our work together…

The beauty of your coaching experience is that it will be highly individualized to your specific needs, goals, desires, and boundaries. We will dive deep on what you are seeking, your Big WHY behind it, and co-create 1-3 key BRAVE actions to help you get there. Some of the elements we can cover include:

Dive deep on fear and limiting beliefs.

What are the stories holding you back?

We’ll look into the fears, limiting beliefs, and stories that keep you from taking aligned action toward your dreams and purpose. Whether it’s “people think I’m annoying”, “no one cares what I have to say” or “I have no idea where to start” — we will do the deep mindset work to recover a deeper truth: that you were born with all the wisdom within you to recover and embody your fullest expression in this lifetime.

Discover your soul’s purpose (dharma).

What are you here to help cause or create?

We will dive deep into why you are here, what you feel called to, and what your purpose is. We will honor the different evolutions of purpose you cycle through in a life time — centering what you feel most called to and excited about at this time.

Learn by doing. Set and work on weekly goals

What weekly action will you commit to honor your calling?

Unlike a more therapeutic approach (trust me, I LOVE therapy but this isn’t that!) our work together is all about taking aligned action towards your dreams. Whether it’s finally starting that podcast, posting an IG reel 3x a week, or updating your website so your ideal clients can find you — we’ll dive into the soul-aligned work that will allow your dream reality to manifest in our shared one.

Receive accountability and support.

What could it look like if you were lovingly held accountable to your intended plan?

If you work with me on a longer term basis (12 week program), in our sessions, we’ll craft a weekly or bi-weekly plan for your creative process, discuss goals for the week ahead, obstacles faced the past week, and workshop how to overcome them. We’ll have a shared accountability tracker to keep track of your goals and progress. At the same time, we’ll deeply prioritize self-compassion, refusing to equate your worth to your productivity.

where you are vs. where we’ll go


Knowing you have a bigger calling but often feeling blocked by fear: What could go wrong? especially of judgment: What will they say?


Embracing an abundance mindset: What could go right? Imagine if… Reclaiming your voice: I refuse to abandon myself to please others.


Knowing you have BIG DREAMS and craving more structure and support towards them


Having an uplifting coach that helps you DREAM BIGGER, + SYSTEMS in place to work towards long-term goals


As an ambitious person, often tying your self-worth to your productivity and ability to meet your big goals


Prioritizing self-compassion + celebrating ALL the wins, being regularly reminded you are AMAZING

Coaching FAQ

  • As your visionary voice coach, I aim to empower you to confidently share your unique message on social media, as.a tool towards increasing your opportunities on- and offline. Our focus is to define clear objectives for your online expression, develop a personalized strategy to achieve these goals, and ensure accountability throughout your journey. We will explore your ideal communication style, the essence of the message you wish to share, and the fears that may be hindering your progress. Together, we will work towards not just overcoming these fears, but also embracing your authentic voice, ensuring that it aligns with the vision you have for your online presence.

  • This coaching is ideal for anyone who feels BOTH called to and apprehensive or overwhelmed by the idea of sharing their personal or professional message on social media. Whether you are a spiritual coach, lightworker, energy healer, entrepreneur, artist, writer, or individual seeking to establish a stronger online presence, if you find yourself holding back due to fear, uncertainty, or lack of direction, Visionary VOICES coaching can help unlock your potential and guide you towards confidently expressing yourself in the digital world — with the aim of getting your message in front of your dream audience and clients, and becoming your FULLEST expression in this lifetime.

  • Please note that coaching is no substitute for therapy or psychological support. Please continue to seek out the healing your soul needs most. To find liberation, we cannot SOLELY rely on western modalities of healing. At our core we are creative, wild beings who have been overly conditioned and repressed. My particular medicine is spiritual and sensual (i.e., we are trying to help you EMBODY the creative expression you feel called to through your SENSES and chakras). Visionary VOICES coaching is action-oriented and focused on moving you towards your creative goals and dreams. While some reflections will overlap since our throat chakra healing is deeply intertwined with our life experiences, please note I am not a therapist or mental health professional, and I encourage you to consult with your therapist or healthcare provider if you require an additional opinion.

  • Absolutely! It’'s beneficial for you to work with an individualized coach at any level. If you feel like you are MEANT to be living as an embodied Visionary VOICE, but are not there yet, this coaching container can help you align your dreams to your lived reality. We are all cycling through being beginners and professionals at different stages and in different mediums we work with. For example, you may be an “expert” writer, but new to the social media side of sharing your work publicly, or vice versa.

  • By identifying the root causes of your apprehension and working through them with targeted strategies, visionary voice coaching can help transform your fear into confidence. We'll focus on building a supportive framework around your online expression, incorporating practices that enhance your communication skills, and fostering a positive mindset towards sharing your message. By aligning your online presence with your true self and values, the fear of judgment or misinterpretation can be significantly reduced, paving the way for a more authentic and impactful social media engagement.

  • While I am here to guide and support you, the ultimate responsibility for transformation lies with you. Committing to Visionary VOICES coaching requires a willingness to self-reflect, embrace vulnerability, and consistently apply the strategies and practices discussed during our sessions. It involves dedicating time and effort to develop your voice, refine your message, and engage with your audience on social media. The commitment level will vary based on your personal goals and the pace at which you wish to progress, but an open mindset and dedication to growth are essential for transformation.

  • We tackle obstacles by first acknowledging and understanding them. Through coaching, you'll learn to identify the specific fears and challenges that hinder your online expression. We then develop personalized strategies to address these issues, whether they involve improving your communication skills, enhancing your understanding of social media platforms, or building resilience against criticism. The goal is to equip you with the tools and confidence needed to navigate these obstacles effectively.

  • Acceptance plays a crucial role in Visionary Voices coaching. It's important to recognize and embrace the unique aspects of your voice and message. Fully stepping into your OWN power and authenticity is what will make you stand out on social media. This includes accepting your authentic style of communication, the topics you are passionate about, and identifying and honoring the value you bring to your audience. We want to honor who you already are, the stories you already have lived, rather than morph you into an inauthentic version of yourself based on what may be“trending”.

  • Cancellations more than 24 hours will be rescheduled at no cost. Cancellations less than 24 hours in advance will not be refunded. Missed sessions without proper notification will be charged as a normal session, as this time has been reserved and cannot be used for other clients.

  • The first discovery call is a way to understand if we are a full body yes for working together. After that, we are committing to a 12 week journey together. Refunds are not available, except in highly extenuating circumstances.

Still have a question? Submit here.