About Me


Ayandastood 🌻


About Me


Ayandastood 🦋


About Me


Ayandastood 🥰


About Me 〰️ Ayandastood 🌻 〰️ About Me 〰️ Ayandastood 🦋 〰️ About Me 〰️ Ayandastood 🥰 〰️

I am a South African lover, dreamer, wisdom keeper, and creative. I have always been deeply curious, obsessed with learning and fully invested in questioning everything.

I’m a TikToker, podcast host of the Soul Salon Podcast, writer, and lover of wisdom (aka, philosopher, the root meaning of the word). I believe we need to reclaim philosophy, Beauty, knowledge, feeling, healing (and so much more) from the western imagination.

I have no single topic of focus but feel most aligned breathing life into ideas at the intersection of spirituality, philosophy, creativity, and anti-colonialism. I love nuance, contradiction, and paradox.

I believe in collectivist dreaming and that the words I dream of saying are the same ones others dream of hearing. I am seeking to find the people already meant for me.

I love to live life drenched in color, chasing the magic of everyday life, acting as a channel for the divine, tapped into the infinite wisdom and love of the universe.

I believe another world is possible and is trying to pierce through our consciousness and manifest into our shared reality. What blocks that process is the conditioned shame, perfectionism, doubt, inequality, hierarchy, and supremacy that constrains the possibilities and expression of our creativity.

I work with people one-on-one to overcome these blocks, so that my clients can become their fullest expression in this lifetime. I love helping my clients combine purpose, love, pleasure, and flow with strategy, structure, and aligned action.

The fear of being seen keeps us shrinking instead of expanding, playing small instead of standing in our power.

You are a divine being, here to stand in your magic and share your gifts with the world.

The people who want to experience, support, and learn from you can only find you if you are VISIBLE.

Your dream opportunities, collaborators, audiences, students, clients, and community can only find you if you are VISIBLE.

Wherever you feel called to be seen, the Soulful Visibility Guide is my soul’s offering to you, to help you overcome the fear of being seen and step into the soul-aligned visibility you KNOW is your birthright. Are you ready?!

The fear of being seen is keeping you smaller than you feel called to be.